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Registration Process

When will I know that my child's spot is confirmed?
Applications are processed upon receipt and a confirmation letter is emailed. The process maybe slowed down if there is a waiting list for that particular camp, or a problem with payment. If there is a waiting list for a given camp we will contact you before processing your application.

When do you send out the Pre-Camp Training Program?
The HMI Conditioning Program is sent out 4 weeks prior to camp.

Will my roommate request be honored?
We will try to accommodate all roommate requests provided the campers are the same age. We cannot guarantee this will be possible at all locations. Note that room assignments are done by the local Camp Director 1 week prior to the camp start date.

Can campers choose their own roommates?
Campers may request a roommate (see above).

How many campers are there per room?
At least 2 but it varies according to the facilities at each camp location.

Can I register my son/daughter over the phone?
Unfortunately, no. We need to have a completed application form with your signature on the Release & Indemnity form. Registration can be done online, by mail, or by fax.

If I am a U.S. resident sending my child to a Canadian camp, must I pay the camp fees in Canadian dollars?
Yes. All camp fees are payable in the currency of the country in which the camp is located.


 What is a money order?
A money order is the equivalent of cash but is more secure because it's made out to the receiver, like a cheque. The funds are available to the recipient immediately so there is no delay in processing.

Is it possible to receive sponsorship for my child to go to camp?
Sponsorship is available for campers in certain situations. We request that campers with financial needs send in an application form along with a deposit for camp and a letter indicating their unique financial situation. Sponsorship will then be discussed and given depending on the funds available and amount of requests received for any given camp. Generally, sponsorship is given for up to half of the cost of camp. Please note that not all camp locations provide sponsorship. Generally, campers are not permitted to receive sponsorship for 2 consecutive years.


What happens if I need to cancel my child's registration?
HMI has a $70 non-refundable cancellation policy. This portion of the payment is refundable only in the case of medical injury and a physician's signature must be provided in such a case.


How do you process refunds?
Upon cancellation, we will issue a refund by cheque or credit card. If you so choose you may also donate the portion paid to the camp sponsorship fund and be issued a tax receipt for your donation.

Medical Release/Coverage

Do I have to have my child undergo a Physical before camp?

HMI strongly suggests that each camper have a complete physical prior to camp. A physician's signature on the medical form is mandatory for campers who have on-going medical problems or who currently take medication and for all campers attending in the State of Massachussets. In the event that the camper does not have any medical conditions and the cost of having a physician sign off is prohibitive, it is acceptable for a parent/guardian to complete the form to the best of their knowledge and to sign off indicating that they release their son/daughter to participate in all events.

What type of medical coverage does my child need if attending a camp in another country?

This will vary depending on the location. It is best to contact a health insurance carrier such as BlueCross or BlueShield and determine what type of travel health insurance would best fit your needs. It is critical that campers traveling to a different country for camp obtain medical coverage of some kind.


What is the ratio of campers to counselors?

The ratio of campers to counselors varies but in general there are 8-10 campers per counselor and a number of other adult staff on-site that aren't assigned to a particular group.

Will my child be supervised at all times?

Yes. Adult counselors are required to be with their assigned group at all times. If there is a situation that requires them to leave their group, another adult will supervise until the counselor returns.


Leaving Camp During the Week

Can my child leave camp during the week to attend another function?

HMI discourages this - however, if it is unavoidable (as in the case of a family emergency), the guardian who will be picking up the camper must make very clear arrangements with the counselor and Camp Director regarding time for pick up and drop off.

Out-of-Town Campers

Does HMI take care of airport drop-offs and pick-ups?

In most cases HMI is not able to accommodate any airport drop-offs or pick-ups of campers. Guardians are required to arrange on their own for campers to be taken to and from the airport where applicable. Some exceptions are made but parents must make arrangements with the local Camp Director prior to booking any travel plans.

On-Ice Program

How are the on-ice groups formed?

On-ice groups are formed by age breakdown. A 3-group live-in camp will have the following groupings: 9-11 year olds; 12-13 year olds; 14-16 year olds. Likewise, a two-group camp will be put in groupings: 9-12 or 13, and 13 or 14-16.

What on-ice skills do the campers learn during the week?

The skills focused on throughout the five days at camp are skating (power-skating: learning proper form and techniques for excellence in skating), passing skills, shooting skills, checking skills (if of age), defensive and offensive play, team skills (game situations).

What types of drills are used on ice?

HMI features drills from each of the hockey countries in which it conducts camps. This international approach will allow players to experience the best that each country has to offer, allowing them to experiment with technique, various hockey systems, and so on.

A Typical Daily Camp Schedule
(Lake Simcoe)

6:45 am                Rise & Shine
6:50                       Staff Devotions
7:30                       Breakfast
7:55                       Bus Depart from JPC  
9:00 -11:30           On Ice Programming
12:00 pm              Bus Depart from NTR
12:45                     Lunch at camp
1:30                       Rally & Huddle Groups
2:15                       Dryland
3:00                       Canteen and Free time
3:45                       Rec. – Swim, Sports
5:15                       Clean up for Dinner
5:45                       Dinner
6:30                       Evening Rec. - Games                       
8:00                       Chapel
9:00                       Campfire and/or snack
10:00                     Cabin Devos / Lights Out

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